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Clarkson et le Hamster Sont Interdits

I'm surprised not many sites have got this story.  None of the major newspapers have it, just a few motoring websites.

The story is this one:
It is from a Clarkson article so it will be in The Sun or The Sunday Times.
It will be hidden behind a paywall online but I wouldn't want to read either publication anyway since they are part of the odious Murdoch empire.
The gist of this is that Clarkson & Richard Hammond have been fined for speeding in France and banned from driving there for three months.
Being me, I am suspicious that if this happened, that it was just a publicity stunt for the DVD they were filming that will be out "just in time for Christmas" - the DVD that gets mentioned in the stories of the incident.
If it was though, it hasn't worked - yet.  Maybe it's just that nobody at The Mail has noticed it up to now.
They were doing 140kph in a 90kph zone that they claim to have thought was a 130kph zone.
There's no mention of James May - I guess Capitaine Lente would not have made that mistake.